Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tip #10 Get Out There!


What a year this has been!  I am so excited to share that I actually did it!  I said I was going to finish my Master of Arts in Education/Teacher Leadership this year, and I completed my program at the end of October!  It feels amazing to finally be done and now that I am, I am putting more energy back into working on my next books, marketing events, book sales, and promotions.

I said this was the year for publishing and I am not sure exactly how big of an undertaking I knew I was taking on, but the biggest thing I learned as an author/illustrator is, I can be as busy as I want to be or not, depending on how much time I am willing to dedicate to my work.

For me, art is therapy for my soul.  It truly makes me happy to design, create, and share things I make or write that have meaning, relay concepts, teach, and/or spark emotions.  When I am in the artsy/crafty arena and teaching, I am getting to combine some of my true passions and the positive energy is something I just can't find any other way.

As promised, to try to encourage you in reaching your goals, I have to share these tips with you:

1.  Never give up on your passions and dreams!
2.  If there is something you truly want to do that is good for you and makes you feel like you are positively contributing, go for it!
3.  Don't be afraid to commit and put in the hard time and effort it takes to make your dreams reality.
4.  There are wonderful ways you can work from home and also be able to raise your children!  The precious time I have with my kids is going so fast and I'm not willing to lose that time with them.
5.  Work smarter, not harder - network with others, follow up on leads and contacts and enjoy each day. There is always something to be grateful for and there are so many wonderful opportunities and experiences we can share if we are willing to commit our time, energy, and talents.

Expanding my creative illustrating and love of design work, I wanted to share a few pictures of some designs I created with some sample cards.  Each one is one of a kind and I created them because ribbons and sparkle make me happy.  I worked for a card design shop in college and have always enjoyed the creating process.  Let me know if you would like to see other creations and gift ideas as I'm working on expanding a gift line to compliment my keepsake books for families and friends.

Thank you for your support, connections, and for spreading sunshine with books!  If you need 20 minutes while you are getting Thanksgiving food ready, set your kids up with this tutorial I created and they can make an ocean scene while you bake your pies.

Ocean Collage Tutorial

Here are a few of my fun card designs to get you in the mood for the holidays, too!

Thank you as always for your support!  I appreciate you liking and sharing my facebook author page:  Author/Illustrator Page for Trina Licavoli Gunzel
Signed copies of Grandmas Are Gorgeous! with a custom card make wonderful gifts for any mom, grandma, or for children as a read aloud and activities are included.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Trina Licavoli Gunzel
Contact me through my author site

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Heloooooooooooooooo!  I had to take some time to rest and play this summer.  How are you?

In May I decided to double up the rest of my courses so I could finish my Masters program by the end of October so needless to say, the theme of this blog post is WORK HARDER!

Initially, writing is so exciting and you look forward to the day you finally have your book published! It IS exciting!  However, transitioning that enthusiasm into a paying career you can do full time is another "story."  Pun intended.

I have been trying out teaching young author's day workshops, doing book signing events, and having booths for local benefits to try to figure out exactly which way I want to go with my books.  I have also learned that promotions take a lot of time to organize and implement and have had to step back a little until I can finish my classes, because I was feeling spread too thin.

As I am nearing the end of my coursework, I am trying to think about how I want to use my degree and getting ready to do some winter book promotions and planning for the spring.

We all know that when we put not only our hard work but our heart into things we want to achieve, we are happier with the results and this is the way to truly be able to enjoy your work and thrive in your passion.

As I am trying to wind down my classes and refocus my publishing and promotion efforts, I am working toward this WORK HARDER list:

1.  Create new illustrations or ideas for future book concepts weekly
2.  Connect with people that have reached out and offered to host book signing events
3.  Plan two fall book events
4.  Have next two book illustrations photographed so they are ready for publishing
5.  Plan next two school Young Author's Day visits
6.  Continue book contests and promotions using social media
7.  Follow up with newspaper author interview
8.  Follow up with blog interview request
9.  Follow up with local programs for art and story workshops

I know that by refocusing my efforts toward my present and future book promotions, I will feel inspired to network with others and share my love of books and art.  People are very interested in the thoughts and works of artists and that enthusiasm is contagious.

I am here to encourage you to go after your dreams and work toward making them reality, while always taking time to truly enjoy your life and the precious people in it.  Every day we have the opportunity to make a difference in some way.  For me, getting to use my books to help raise money and awareness for children with cancer and being part of awareness for the JDRF and the March of Dimes have been ways I have found to spread some sunshine with books and encourage others.

Whatever is on your heart to achieve and make a difference, I hope you make time to do it!

Best wishes,

Trina Licavoli Gunzel

Available now from all major on-line booksellers.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Tip #8 REST

You can't just work, plan, or play 24-7.  If you do, you will surely burn out.  So, this tip number 8 in the 12 Encouraging Posts To Help You Reach Your Goals is:  Rest!

When you take time to let your project sit and "simmer," you are able to see it with fresh eyes.

When writing, this gives you an opportunity to objectively read through your material and catch spelling and grammar errors.  You will find ways to improve every time you edit and revise until you finally come to a point where you are ready to publish.

So, practicing what I preach, tonight is just a short post and I am taking most of tomorrow off to celebrate my 17 year anniversary with my high school sweetheart.  Yeah!

Please recharge your batteries, your heart, rest your mind, your eyes, and let your project, whatever it is, have the gift of time.  You'll pick it up and continue, but use whatever amount of time you need to set for yourself.  Sometimes it's a day, sometimes a week, but rest and then get ready to continue and see your efforts through to completion.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Thank you,

Trina Gunzel

Contact me if you would like to purchase a signed copy or schedule an author's day visit or workshop!

Need a wonderful gift for any mother or expecting mother to have to read to children?
Buy Grandmas Are Gorgeous!

Author/Illustrator Website

Thursday, June 5, 2014


If you are going to seriously follow through with your plan, you have to BUDGET!  There are so many excellent resources out there.

Check out your local community college for business information. They will usually have someone who will consult with you for free, direct you toward the correct paperwork you need to complete, and give you ideas and suggestions for your business plan.  There are so many great resources on the web so do some research and then talk to others in the field as well.

In order to be able to really launch your plan and be successful, you have to have some way to fund it. When I was a bit younger, I would work five jobs sometimes just so I could keep some of my small business ideas going until they really took off.  (Now I only work about three jobs).  But, I'm trying to find ways to work smarter, not harder, so I can spend more time with my family and that has been very rewarding.

So, that's it for tonight!  BUDGET!

You have your ideas and your plan, now think about:

How much will materials cost?

How much will marketing cost?

What kind of licenses will you need and how much will they cost?

How much do you want to save before you will invest in YOU?

How much are you willing to spend on your project?

For me, I am continuing to work teaching, training, and consulting while I am also writing, illustrating and marketing my children's books.  This income helps to cover my expenses and allows me to get my books off the ground.

In the publishing world, it is very expensive to publish and you want to make sure you select the right publisher for YOU so do your homework and take your time.

Work on your budget so you can finance your dreams and make them a reality.

I hope you are enjoying the creative energy you are experiencing and passing your positive on to others!

Trina Licavoli Gunzel

Thank you for liking and sharing my facebook page!  I will be giving away another autographed copy of Grandmas Are Gorgeous!  June 20, 2014 if you like and SHARE my page.  Leave a comment on my facebook page letting me know to be entered:  Facebook Author Page: Trina Licavoli Gunzel for my official author website

Buy My Books: Grandmas Are Gorgeous - Softcover or Ebook formats

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


How are you doing toward those goals?  You have been thinking, focusing, planning, working hard, playing hard, and now you're ready to really start to make things happen.

Your next tip is to COMMIT!  If you really want your goals to succeed you have to commit to actually making them happen.

You can have all of the great ideas in the world, but if you don't actually DO anything, they just stay as great ideas in your head.

Now, don't get me wrong, not all of your "great ideas" are going to be business worthy or make you a dime.
Some of them are just that.  Sweet and fluffy ideas that will take a lot of your time, energy, and talent and leave you broke at then end.

However, as you are going through this process, if you decide you really believe in something, it builds on your strengths, and you would enjoy doing it, help others through the process, AND you can make a living at it or improve your health, by all means, go after it!

There are so many things that come to mind as we struggle to commit:









There are also little decisions like when to take out the trash, when to mow the lawn, when to fold the laundry, when to feed our families...

Some of these decisions are easier to make then others and some of them glare us in the face and INSIST that we make them, but they all need to be weighed and balanced.

For me, prioritizing and actually deciding I wanted to do something made all the difference.

Have you ever worked really hard on something and been excited but just never found the time to actually follow through?

That's what I'm talking about!

The coolest part is, once I COMMITTED to getting my books published this year, I actually MADE time to get it done.

Even better!  I have MORE energy now because I am doing something I LOVE to do! Writing and creating art give me a natural high and my positive happy meter goes off the charts!  Whatever does that for YOU, go after it IF it is also good for you, your family, and is a way to help others.

For me, those criteria have served me well and being kind and helping others is coming back to me in more ways than I can count.

I have volunteered to do book readings, am treating my fans to cake and cookies at a book signing and book sale in Payson, Arizona at The Sweet Shoppe on Friday June 20 from 3:30 - 5:30pm.  I also just sponsored a booth to benefit March of Dimes in Branson, Missouri at the Welk Theatre on August 23 to sell books and share loving memories and traditions with families.  Is it coincidence that my books are selling and receiving excellent reviews?  I don't think so.  It is so exciting and I want you to feel that same positive fusion in your life!

So, whatever it is, once you decide, commit and don't give up until you make your thoughtful plan and positive strengths serve you well in reality.  I hope you find a way to help others in the process too!

Best wishes to you in whatever you are committing to!  Can't wait to see what you decide to do!

Trina Licavoli Gunzel
(Wife, mother, daughter, friend, teacher, student, author, illustrator, sunshine spreader)  :)

Check out my success story and share some love through books!

Thank you so much for liking and sharing my Author Page on Facebook:  Trina Licavoli Gunzel

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


You didn't think I was going to encourage you to not have any fun did you?

In order to keep balance in your life and meaningful relationships with your loved ones, you can't be all work and no play.

You have to continue to do things that make you happy and spend time with your family and friends.

Go outside!

Get some fresh air!

Play soccer with your kid!

Go swimming!

Literally, take a hike!  ;)

Have a popcorn and movie night!

Actually DO some of those thousands of wonderful PINS you have on PINTEREST!  ;)  *Nail it!  LOL!

Play a board game!

Play a card game!

Play a video game!

Take a nap!

Paint with a friend!

Play with play dough!

Fly a kite!

Go fishing!

Play in the dirt!

Write a letter in CURSIVE and mail it to someone you've thought about!

Stop to smell the roses or plant some so you can someday!

Laugh until your stomach hurts!

Get in a great workout!

Shoot some hoops!

Play a ball game!

Watch a ball game!

If you haven't done any of these things in a while, this might be why your creativity is stifled.  If you have done too many of these things, that's probably why you haven't finished some projects on your to do list!  ;)

Balance.  Keep chipping away at your projects and goals while taking time to enjoy your life and create memories with people you love.

By the way!  I have been working and playing and finding that balance and it landed me the top posting on Author House tonight!  I reposted this on my facebook page to share: Trina Licavoli Gunzel.  Like and Share and add a review, and your name will be entered in a drawing to win a book at the end of July.

Yeah! Top post on Author House tonight! I hope this cool media publicity helps my hometown! Starting with my roots in Arizona, then planning future book signings in Branson, Missouri.  Love, pass it on... 

"Trina Licavoli Gunzel, author and illustrator of "Grandmas Are Gorgeous," will be having a book signing on Friday, June 20, at the Sweet Shoppe in Payson, AZ (3:30-5:30 pm.) A custom cake and cookies will be included If you're going to be in the area, stop by and meet one of our AuthorHouse authors!"

Thank you for spreading some sunshine with books!  Continue to work toward making your dreams reality! You'll never know how close you were to succeeding if you give up now!

I think you can,

Trina Licavoli Gunzel
Thank you for buying and sharing my books!  I would love to hear from you about some of the conversations and memories Grandmas Are Gorgeous! inspires.  You can read more and find my books at:

Monday, June 2, 2014


Yes, I'm sorry but I finally had to say it...nothing is going to get done until you really decide to buckle down and put in the hard work.

My books didn't get written by me just wishing I could write them.

I finally realized I was never going to have the perfect time to just sit in my lovely organized art room and create all day.

I was never going to have the time to write all of my books and then send them to all of my favorite publishers and wait for them to get back to me.

I HAD to WORK HARD and MAKE the time to get my projects done or they would sit forever on my TO DO list and NOTHING would get done.

I want you to read yourself this letter when you want to achieve something but don't know how you are ever going to have the time to do it.  I pray it helps you find focus and accomplish your goals.

Dear Self,

God has given you very specific and unique gifts and talents.  You are one of a kind and precious in this world.  Please take the time to listen to the callings of your heart and use your skills and talents to be a blessing to others.  You don't have to be miserable in your life.  God created you for a greater purpose and loves you unconditionally.  Think about the things that truly make you happy that are good for you and help you feel whole.  Pray about the ways you can grow your skills and build your life upon your strengths.  Some things might just be for fun and other skills might be a way for you to not only live, but live and work doing something you truly enjoy.  When obstacles get in your way, don't let your passions disappear.  Dust yourself off, pick yourself up, and continue on in faith.  I know you will achieve anything you truly set your mind and efforts too.  With hard work and the love and support of your family, you can achieve great things, together.
Don't be afraid of failure, it is only an opportunity to learn.  Through knowledge, we find comfort and grace in moving past things that were hurtful and moving toward things that are uplifting and beautiful.  You are loved, you are awesome, and you make a difference in this world!  Don't ever forget that!


Find a way to be a blessing to others and through your HARD WORK and faith, great things will happen.

Spread some sunshine today,

Trina Licavoli Gunzel
Thank you for sharing my books and spreading love!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Tip #3 PLAN

I bet you're surpised that I'm actually keeping up with these 12 Days Of Encouraging Posts To Help You Reach Your Goals right?  I was serious!  The only way I actually got to the publishing part with my books this year was to follow through.  So, I am here, following through and wanting to encourage you to do the same.

Tip #3 to encourage you today is to help you PLAN.  You have to have a plan for what you want to do in order to help yourself get there.

Remember that saying, "Any well built house has to start on a sturdy foundation?"  Think of that as the PLAN for whatever you decide you want to tackle this year.  If you aren't even sure what you'd like to PLAN, here are some ideas you might consider.  If any of them jump out to you as something you would like to make a priority in your life to work, maybe that is where you should start:

Idea Brainstorm:

Improve and strengthen your marriage
Spend more purposeful time with your children
Learn a new skill for your career
Complete your training or education
Design a product
Find a solution to a problem
Find a way to improve something in your community
Make a difference in the world

Whatever YOU decide, it's your life and YOUR way to contribute and make a difference.

Once you settle on one, two, or even three MAJOR goals to accomplish, write down your PLAN.

What do you want to achieve this year?  Write it down so you can look at it every day and see how you are doing on accomplishing your goals.

Write down a check list of what you will need to do to finally turn those dreams into realities.

For me, I decided:  This Year Was The Year For Publishing!

First, I decided on which stories I was going to publish.
Then, I made my PLAN.
I decided I was going to do the illustrations and stories myself.
This meant I HAD to PLAN in TIME to actually do the work.

My PLAN included daily effort and creating art and writing until my story was ready.  I actually wrote the titles to 12 books so I am focused to complete the series.

Part of my PLAN also included researching publishers, finding ways to organize my artwork and stories, revising, and setting a budget for my project. now you have been thinking about your ideas, focusing on what you'd like to achieve and now I want you to really take the time to plan out what you want to do so that you can have a solid foundation to build on.

Come back with your plan tomorrow and we'll work on the next part in your journey to success.

Keep working toward your dreams!

Part of my plan included deciding I was going to take extra coursework in social media so that has allowed me to design my own webpage, tap into sites that allow me to market and share my books, and I am still getting to achieve my goals of being present and involved with my husband and kiddos while working from home.  Don't give up on whatever is tugging at your heart to do, especially if it is in the best interest of your family and you have their support.

I pray your week is full of bright moments and opportunities to make a difference by showing love to others.

Night, night.

Check out my new author website! :)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tip #2 Ready, Set, FOCUS!


I'm here tonight with Tip #2 as promised.  See, part of getting something accomplished is saying you'll do something then actually doing it.  If you want to actually achieve a goal you set, you have to FOCUS.

So, there you have it, today's tip is: FOCUS.

FOCUS?  Some of you may not even be sure what to think about that word in your busy hectic schedule. We can be so busy working on so many different things, we don't get any of them really done, or done very well.  I'm asking you to really stop, take a deep breath, and think...

Before you jump into your next project that is destined to sit on the "TO DO" list incomplete for the next ten years, get centered. Whatever you have to do, pray, take a walk outside, find your inner peace, however you get there, find that still small voice inside and listen to it.

Is there something you have really wanted to do that you haven't gotten to do yet?  You still have time! Give your heart that attention it deserves and let what you have been thinking about be fueled by the little sparks that will start to grow from ideas.  

For me, this second step was the biggest difference.  Before just writing another story or song that sat in my "wish list for later box,"  I thoughtfully prayed about my decisions.  I looked for inspiration and ideas that spoke to my heart.  I wrote down inspirational scriptures, sayings, read a lot, then prayed some more.

To help me FOCUS, I wrote down some things that were continuing to tug at my heart.  I looked at some things I'd always wanted to finish and wrote them on my "To Do List" for THIS year!

Having focus means setting some achievable goals and deadlines.  For example, my daughter is now four and I can't blame not fitting into my skinny jeans on having a new baby.  I decided this year I was going to actually TRY to lost weight.  Did it work at first, NO.  I tried, but I really didn't have any FOCUS.  When I asked about planning my high school reunion, then started helping plan it, that gave me a FOCUS and a timeline in which I wanted to lose weight.  Suddenly, eating only half, drinking more water, and exercise started becoming important to me again because I had a goal to FOCUS on.  My reunion.  Hurray for deadlines right?

Another FOCUS for me this year became finishing my Masters of Arts in Teaching/Teacher Leadership.  I had only been chipping away for over ten years trying to finish, but didn't have a FOCUS.  Last fall and this spring, there were some exciting jobs I was interested in, but I couldn't get them without my Masters Degree. For me, the future job opportunities became the FOCUS and it has motivated me to double up my courses and I will finally finish by this December (at the latest if I don't lose my FOCUS)!  Only 19 credits left, yes!

I guess I actually thrive under pressure so on top of that, I decided THIS YEAR WAS GOING TO BE A YEAR FOR PUBLISHING!  This was going to be my major FOCUS.  Something for fun, to let my creativity shine, to be something I could share to encourage families in a world that seems to be trying to break families down.  Through publishing, I decided I could find a way to spread some sunshine through art and language and be able to encourage and share loving memories.  This made my heart smile and has been a positive energy and FOCUS that is carrying me through everything else.  (And yes, if you are just reading my blog for the first time, I actually DID have my first book published in May so Grandmas Are Gorgeous! is proof that if I can do it in my hectic world, you can achieve your goals with FOCUS too!  :)

When you take something absolutely new on like starting a business, designing a product, creating art, or writing, you are choosing to grow your brain.  It is a wonderful thing to do and the positive and creative energy you get from learning is completely awesome!  By doing something new, it makes my routine tasks like laundry and chores not seem so mundane.  I'm not saying I don't get behind because I absolutely do, but I don't mind the work as much because I am also getting to create art and write.

When I decided to write and illustrate my children's books for families, I knew it would give me opportunities to create and share with my children.  My family time is precious to me and my every day FOCUS so this also gives me a unique way to work with them.

Whatever you want it to be for this still have time!  Seek it out...take the quiet time to listen...write down ideas that speak to your heart...and then write and keep them visible so you can work toward them as you center and FOCUS on what you really want to do in life.  You might need to keep working full time while you start designing this plan that you want to achieve, but you have to start with that FOCUS and do the planning in order for it to be successful.

Ponder that overnight and don't forget to keep that notebook and pen by your bed so that when you are struck with a smile in the night because you have an amazing idea, you can write it down.

I'll be praying you are able to listen and FOCUS so you can find your answers.  I know you'll get there! See you for tip #3 tomorrow.

Night, night.

Author Website

Friday, May 30, 2014

A Year For Publishing!

Remember when you were a little kid and you really ENJOYED writing and creating ART just for fun?

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be an author/illustrator.  I have written countless stories, poems, and songs and just held on to them in the hopes that one day, I would actually publish my work.

I know I am not alone in this.  Many of our "dreams" have to take a back seat to the "realities" of our life.  I enjoy my children and love them and my husband dearly.  Now, as my little ones are finally reaching the age of above 4...something magical has happened!

Daily, I am finding that, as I call it, "The Four Year Fog" has lifted!  I am able to hold a thought, have an extra hour to create something, actually retain information, and I am no longer being accused of having a mush brain!

I am so thankful I balanced teaching and staying home with my children through doing educational consulting and training and now am finally writing, illustrating and publishing my children's books!  For those of you who want to be inspired to go after your dreams and be encouraged to not give up, I want you to start off by seeing my example and then continue checking back as I share through my blog ideas that can help you go from those first stages of thinking about doing something to actually making it happen!

Here is my first tip for you today:

#1  Allow yourself time to think.  Just start with that.  Carve out a few moments of quiet peace outside, in the bathroom, in your car, in your bed, wherever you can...and just let your brain rest.  Next, from this moment on, have a journal and a pen with you at all times.  When those creative juices start to flow, you want to be ready to capture your ideas by writing them down.  That's it!  This is your first step toward making your dreams reality!  It might surface in a business plan, an idea for a product, a glimmer of a novel, an idea for an art piece...just be open to possibilities and listen...

I'm going to commit to sharing a new tip with you each day for the next 12 days!  I look forward to hearing how this inspires you and sharing what happened to me through this process.

As you can probably guess, I achieved my goal of becoming a published children's author and illustrator.  I'm so excited to share some resources with you to encourage you as you start to think about your plans and dreams for the future.

Please like and share my facebook author page:  Trina Licavoli Gunzel  and find me on Pinterest for ideas and events.

I would love to read your comments and answer any questions you have.  You can also get a taste for my book and my personality through my youtube site: Trina Gunzel

My website is for additional resources and information.  I think it's pretty fun too!  :)

You can find my first book in this family series on Amazon: Order from Amazon: Grandmas Are Gorgeous!
or any of your favorite online retails.  Grandmas Are Gorgeous!  can also be ordered from your favorite major bookseller.

If you'd like to order a signed copy from me, you can always do that too.  I made my goal of having it out for Mother's Day and Grandmother's Day is in July! I have so many fun events planned to tour with it this year and it has been selling and receiving excellent feedback!  I hope it inspires wonderful family memories and traditions when you read it and complete the included activities.  I have a heart for families and this has been a huge push for my work.

Available now from AuthorHouse

978-1-4969-0421-8 (Soft Cover ISBN)
978-1-4969-0425-6 (EBOOK ISBN)
Authorhouse Ebook

Thank you and I'll see you for tip #2 tomorrow!

Children's Books and Works By Trina Licavoli Gunzel