Your next tip is to COMMIT! If you really want your goals to succeed you have to commit to actually making them happen.
You can have all of the great ideas in the world, but if you don't actually DO anything, they just stay as great ideas in your head.
Now, don't get me wrong, not all of your "great ideas" are going to be business worthy or make you a dime.
Some of them are just that. Sweet and fluffy ideas that will take a lot of your time, energy, and talent and leave you broke at then end.
However, as you are going through this process, if you decide you really believe in something, it builds on your strengths, and you would enjoy doing it, help others through the process, AND you can make a living at it or improve your health, by all means, go after it!
There are so many things that come to mind as we struggle to commit:
There are also little decisions like when to take out the trash, when to mow the lawn, when to fold the laundry, when to feed our families...
Some of these decisions are easier to make then others and some of them glare us in the face and INSIST that we make them, but they all need to be weighed and balanced.
For me, prioritizing and actually deciding I wanted to do something made all the difference.
Have you ever worked really hard on something and been excited but just never found the time to actually follow through?
That's what I'm talking about!
The coolest part is, once I COMMITTED to getting my books published this year, I actually MADE time to get it done.
Even better! I have MORE energy now because I am doing something I LOVE to do! Writing and creating art give me a natural high and my positive happy meter goes off the charts! Whatever does that for YOU, go after it IF it is also good for you, your family, and is a way to help others.
For me, those criteria have served me well and being kind and helping others is coming back to me in more ways than I can count.
I have volunteered to do book readings, am treating my fans to cake and cookies at a book signing and book sale in Payson, Arizona at The Sweet Shoppe on Friday June 20 from 3:30 - 5:30pm. I also just sponsored a booth to benefit March of Dimes in Branson, Missouri at the Welk Theatre on August 23 to sell books and share loving memories and traditions with families. Is it coincidence that my books are selling and receiving excellent reviews? I don't think so. It is so exciting and I want you to feel that same positive fusion in your life!
So, whatever it is, once you decide, commit and don't give up until you make your thoughtful plan and positive strengths serve you well in reality. I hope you find a way to help others in the process too!
Best wishes to you in whatever you are committing to! Can't wait to see what you decide to do!
Trina Licavoli Gunzel
(Wife, mother, daughter, friend, teacher, student, author, illustrator, sunshine spreader) :)
Check out my success story and share some love through books!
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