Tuesday, June 3, 2014


You didn't think I was going to encourage you to not have any fun did you?

In order to keep balance in your life and meaningful relationships with your loved ones, you can't be all work and no play.

You have to continue to do things that make you happy and spend time with your family and friends.

Go outside!

Get some fresh air!

Play soccer with your kid!

Go swimming!

Literally, take a hike!  ;)

Have a popcorn and movie night!

Actually DO some of those thousands of wonderful PINS you have on PINTEREST!  ;)  *Nail it!  LOL!

Play a board game!

Play a card game!

Play a video game!

Take a nap!

Paint with a friend!

Play with play dough!

Fly a kite!

Go fishing!

Play in the dirt!

Write a letter in CURSIVE and mail it to someone you've thought about!

Stop to smell the roses or plant some so you can someday!

Laugh until your stomach hurts!

Get in a great workout!

Shoot some hoops!

Play a ball game!

Watch a ball game!

If you haven't done any of these things in a while, this might be why your creativity is stifled.  If you have done too many of these things, that's probably why you haven't finished some projects on your to do list!  ;)

Balance.  Keep chipping away at your projects and goals while taking time to enjoy your life and create memories with people you love.

By the way!  I have been working and playing and finding that balance and it landed me the top posting on Author House tonight!  I reposted this on my facebook page to share: Trina Licavoli Gunzel.  Like and Share and add a review, and your name will be entered in a drawing to win a book at the end of July.

Yeah! Top post on Author House tonight! I hope this cool media publicity helps my hometown! Starting with my roots in Arizona, then planning future book signings in Branson, Missouri.  Love, pass it on... 

"Trina Licavoli Gunzel, author and illustrator of "Grandmas Are Gorgeous," will be having a book signing on Friday, June 20, at the Sweet Shoppe in Payson, AZ (3:30-5:30 pm.) A custom cake and cookies will be included If you're going to be in the area, stop by and meet one of our AuthorHouse authors!"

Thank you for spreading some sunshine with books!  Continue to work toward making your dreams reality! You'll never know how close you were to succeeding if you give up now!

I think you can,

Trina Licavoli Gunzel
Thank you for buying and sharing my books!  I would love to hear from you about some of the conversations and memories Grandmas Are Gorgeous! inspires.  You can read more and find my books at:

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