Thursday, September 18, 2014


Heloooooooooooooooo!  I had to take some time to rest and play this summer.  How are you?

In May I decided to double up the rest of my courses so I could finish my Masters program by the end of October so needless to say, the theme of this blog post is WORK HARDER!

Initially, writing is so exciting and you look forward to the day you finally have your book published! It IS exciting!  However, transitioning that enthusiasm into a paying career you can do full time is another "story."  Pun intended.

I have been trying out teaching young author's day workshops, doing book signing events, and having booths for local benefits to try to figure out exactly which way I want to go with my books.  I have also learned that promotions take a lot of time to organize and implement and have had to step back a little until I can finish my classes, because I was feeling spread too thin.

As I am nearing the end of my coursework, I am trying to think about how I want to use my degree and getting ready to do some winter book promotions and planning for the spring.

We all know that when we put not only our hard work but our heart into things we want to achieve, we are happier with the results and this is the way to truly be able to enjoy your work and thrive in your passion.

As I am trying to wind down my classes and refocus my publishing and promotion efforts, I am working toward this WORK HARDER list:

1.  Create new illustrations or ideas for future book concepts weekly
2.  Connect with people that have reached out and offered to host book signing events
3.  Plan two fall book events
4.  Have next two book illustrations photographed so they are ready for publishing
5.  Plan next two school Young Author's Day visits
6.  Continue book contests and promotions using social media
7.  Follow up with newspaper author interview
8.  Follow up with blog interview request
9.  Follow up with local programs for art and story workshops

I know that by refocusing my efforts toward my present and future book promotions, I will feel inspired to network with others and share my love of books and art.  People are very interested in the thoughts and works of artists and that enthusiasm is contagious.

I am here to encourage you to go after your dreams and work toward making them reality, while always taking time to truly enjoy your life and the precious people in it.  Every day we have the opportunity to make a difference in some way.  For me, getting to use my books to help raise money and awareness for children with cancer and being part of awareness for the JDRF and the March of Dimes have been ways I have found to spread some sunshine with books and encourage others.

Whatever is on your heart to achieve and make a difference, I hope you make time to do it!

Best wishes,

Trina Licavoli Gunzel

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