Monday, June 8, 2015

Tip #12 Finish What You Started...Give It All You've Got!

Hi there friends!  You're still here!  I don't take any days for granted anymore.  I'm happy to see you!

Well, it has been just over a year since I started this blog with the purpose of giving 12 tips of advice to encourage and motivate you to finish your goals.  I had hoped to give them over 12 days and it has averaged out more like one per month over the last year.  So...I am modeling reaching this goal by FINISHING what I started!  It's okay that it took me longer than I'd hoped, I'm just happy to be following through!

So, how has your last year gone for you? Have you reached any of the goals you set?  Is it time to rekindle that spark to achieve what you want to do this year?  You still have time!  I am thrilled with all I have accomplished and yet want to do so much more!

Highlights for me personally since May of 2014:

I published my first book which I wrote and illustrated:  Grandmas Are Gorgeous!  A Keepsake Book To Inspire And Encourage Conversations

I graduated with my Masters of Arts in Education/Teacher Leadership from the University of Phoenix

I completely finished moving into my house and organizing my art/studio space

I have toured the country with my first book participating at Book Signing Events, Shared Prizes with Fans, Volunteered for Book Readings at Libraries, Donated books to Libraries Nationally, Donated to March of Dimes, Donated for Cancer Benefits, Donated for Scouts, got to see Jan Brett in person and get a signed book, used my time energy and talents to help improve my community through Master Gardeners of the Ozarks and Started a Super Moms Club

I helped my husband plant two full gardens and did all of the prep and harvesting that goes along with that

We have been raising and hatching our own chickens, ducks, and turkeys and learning all about small farm life

I designed and taught a project based learning home school program for my pre school daughter and fourth grade son

I volunteered as the Webelo's Den Leader for my son's Cub Scout pack and attended my children's piano and dance lessons and their recitals

I have fished, swam, hiked, played soccer, football, frisbee, tag, created with sidewalk chalk, pastels, watercolors, mud, markers, pencils, pens, bubbles, and so much more

I have caught fireflies, observed butterflies, and tried not to squeal when my son has shown me every turtle, spider, and frog he has found near our pond

I have mourned the loss of dear friends, grown in my spiritual journey, and loved my family and friends as I've supported them through their own personal growth and struggles (and been healing from my own)

I have finally accepted and overcome the grief and guilt I took on since our boy was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of four, and embraced the life overhaul we have undertaken ever since. My son is healthy and happy and so I am going to be, too.  I am focusing on the blessings, not the burdens and the sparkle in my heart is slowly returning

I have spent amazing memories with my closest family and friends visiting and laughed until my sides hurt (you know those best kinds of aches in your stomach and until your face hurts from smiling)

I have committed to my health and lost 20 pounds!

I have all of the illustrations and writing completed for my next two books and some other book starts in the works

I enjoyed attending MOPS (Moms of Pre Schoolers) and made many new friends around the world

I chose to be baptized as an adult and have grown in my faith as a Christian

I have reached a whole new level of peace, acceptance, growth, strength and am pretty happy about where I am in my life with a couple of years to spare before I turn 40!  I pray for many more happy years with my high school sweetheart by my side as we just celebrated our 18 year anniversary.

Those are just some of the highlights I can remember and yet All that being said, there is still so much MORE I want to do with my life!  I am sure you feel the same way!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..........together!  Let's encourage one another to reach for the stars, work smarter, work better, LEARN something new every day, take time to ponder the things that really matter, and truly become the best versions of ourselves.  Find YOUR strengths and true talents and put them to good use to make a positive difference in the world.  Be true to the best version of YOU!

Thank you so much for your love and support of my books and family centered life and I am so excited about sharing future creations with you.  I am looking foward to an upcoming event with my mentor Sandi Krakowski called The Author's Art to be inspired and learn more ways I can share my messages on a global level. As my sweet Dad always encouraged me to do, I hope you will also go and bloom wherever you are planted and be the change you want to see in the world.

God bless you and thank you for taking the time to be connected with me through personal experiences.


Trina Licavoli Gunzel

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Spread some sunshine with books!

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